Friday, April 13, 2012

working bib

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

3 column chart

Room Creativity

(1) How do you plan to address the room creativity expectation?
I plan to have play areas like my son has designed in his room. Many things such as play house or blocks, another idea that I had was to address it like a preschool kinder class because I am dealing with toddlers which is about that age.

(2) What activity ideas do you have for answer 1 or 2?
Answer 1: To know the stages of where your child is at.
an activity would be to show pictures maybe even sounds of what age that child might be and what that childis suppose to be up to par with when it comes tro mentally and physically.

Answer 2:Disaplining a Toddler
Maybe show exaples of verbal and or physical abuse and see what the catorgory is and why it is bad and show examples of what the parents couldhave done differently.

Answer 2

EQ = What is the best way to mother a Toddler
Answer 2 = Disaplining your child in the right way.
Evidence = Verbal abuse said by Dr. Sax will eventually lead a child to depression. Suicide in early 2000 was on a high because my parents did not disapline there child in the caring matter but used anger.

Abuse Physically is not the answer. Many children will see thats the right way of life. Usually when being physically abuse 8 out of 10 children when they grow up and have kids they will hit there children.

Disaplinging a child from Toddler years if done the wrong way can lead to many outcomes on their future. Many relationships with others such as friends, family, etc, might not be able to have a relationship due to lack of abuse. Said by tennage

The Product

The Product I have learned in my service learning and my research is that all children are different and will adapted at different times but overall you can as parents or guardians reach there full potential by proivided a great upbringing and knowing how to nuture your child in the right way. Many articles for disapine such as teenage runaway, or Dr leonard saxs book why gender matters have really interpret my thoughts on how to go about displining or showing my love for my son in the future. Also my service learning has showed me some evidence when I see children fighting pretty bad then others and cussing you know their parents are probably doing the same thing in there home.
How do you provide evidence? Evidence should come in the form of a photo, video, or something you link to the blog.