Monday, December 5, 2011

Self Reflection

1. How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why?
I feel I am at about a P I am working towards finishing my service learning and I am also done with my Independent task.

2.What one thing do you think you have done well on and why?
I feel I am doing awesome on my science project and also I am learning so much in my service learning. It has been amazing what ive learn in the course of a couple of days
3.What is one thing you would like to improve on and why?
Well I am trying to find another service learning place to see if children act the same way in a different environmental state 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Science Fair Proposal

1. What is Your Hypothesis?
Left handed males and females in the 6th grade will get lower GPA scores than that of a right handed male and female in the 6th grade.

2. Identify the Dependent (produces), Independent (manipulated) and control variables in you hypothesis.
      control: 6th grade males and females, Dependent: GPA, Independent: left to right handed

3. What is the connection between your science fair project and your senior project EQ?
   My science fair project deals with mainly 6 graders and there GPA in right and left handed kids, this connects to my Senior project because in Child Development there Cognitive learning starts from a young age. For example learning how to right with either your left or right hand.

4. How will you preform the experiment? Include the Equipment you plan on using.
     I have called three Middle schools in order to collect data from different 6 grade classrooms. I will then use the data to make a judgment on weither or not left hand 6ths graders get low GPA scores then right hand 6th graders. After that I will try to learn why this happens.

5. Which category will your project be listed under (For a full list of categories go to the Ipoly Physics webpage then go to Science fair tab.
Behavioural /social science b

Friday, October 28, 2011

What Ive learn so far

1) What have you learned how to do since you started working on your senior project?
Ive learned how the growth of my child is above average due to his Cognitive development. Ive learned that child development does consist theory such as Nature vs. Nurture ect. Doing Child Development it has also made me aware of my son and what I should watch out for in his years to come. For example his development in his Mechanism "growth"

2) Post evidence of this accomplishment.  It can be in the form of a picture, video, document, etc..
me and my little one.

3) What research helped you to do this and how?*
 It was Research number 16 Development Psychology. This help me learn the scientific aspect when it came to growth, the brain, Parenting, ect.

*What research = name the source
*How = What in the research specifically helped you do what you are posting as evidence

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Independent Componet 1 plan approval

(1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
What I plan do to for my Independent study is to take records of my son Ethan Robledo and Analysis what he does in a course of 1 month. See what kind of development has occured since then
(2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
Well he is my son so I take care of him 24/7 so I will be able to accomplish my 30 hours very quickly
(3) How does your independent study component relate to your EQ?
It related because im looking at the different devlopements Ethan is having and many traits and characteristics

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Defining the EQ

What is my EQ
What is the most Efficient way to be a Magic the Gathering Judge

 Define the words in your EQ to make sure we are on the same page regarding what your EQ means.
Effcient: capable of achieving the desired result

Magic the Gathering:Is a collectable card game created by Richard Garfield PH.

Judge: a person, sometimes one of several, appointed to assess entries or performances in a competition and decide who wins

What are some possible answers to your EQ so far?
1 must love the game

2 know the rule book by memory and tro know the cards of every set
3 play the game for experience

What has been your most important source and why? Be specific. If it is a person, name them and what they do, if it is an article, book or video, name the title and author.

Anthony Martinez has beenthe most Important source. They were able to go into deatil with me the jest of being a judge. He also told me very interesting facts on the game and we played right after the interview which I thought was awesome and he told me some of his tricks on building a deck.

Second Interview

Intereviewee Anthony Martinez
  1. Who got you into Magic the Gathering
My cousin Michael Hurtado one day came over and brought these cards I never saw before. He had taught me everything I needed to know and from there is when I learned on my own how to be a great Magic Player.

2. What do you think makes a great magic the gathering judge
I feel what makes a good judge is one loving the game. If you dont love the game really dont be a judge. Secondly is knowing the game like a good christian loves the bible. lol and third actually playing!!! I think thats one of the most important thing to do as being a judge.

3. How was it toping at a PTQ
it was amazing I had won second place from over 400 people playing some very unique decks. I won 10,000 dollars and from there on just kept winning. I am ranked about 64th in the world and is actually playing in the San Fransico world tour for Magic the Gathering

4. Did you take any classes at Cal State LA for Magic the Gathering
honestly I didnt but the Math courses that I did take helped me out so much. Magic is all about Math when it comes down to it. and it is key to know okay this player can do this to drop me down so much ect. As I said math is a great Factor in this game.

5. If you were able to list all the decks you played which one would work for you personality
Of course blue and white Blue and White cards are all about control and my personality is just like that I love to have control in whatever I do.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Blog 4 Interview 1 and Persentation

The first Interview effect my Presenations because he had me grasp what Magic the Gathering can bring to people. For example He told me that you really need to have heart for the game.

Just having examples of how the game plays out and having cards to give to the students

Talking infront of people I feel is the hardest thing to do and actually presenting. I feel that is my downfall because Im very bad at explaining myself and just talking in public

Thursday, September 22, 2011

First Interview

Interview Check

I am Interview Patricia Nunez who works as a nurse in the Children Hospital in Los Angeles
1. What made her persue a nursing career in working with termanel illness in children.
2. What steps did she have to get to become a nurse
3. How is it dealing with children that have illness
4. Is it hard for you to build a relationship with the children
5. If you had one thing you can do for one of the kids what would it be and why?

I am Interviewing Nicholas Altamarano who owns his own card shop in Whittier California called Jimmys USA. He works with Wizards of the Coast which helps him produce offical tournaments of Magic the Gathering
  1. What made you want to own your own buisness in Magic the Gathering
  2. What steps did you take in doing so
  3. What do you feel is the hardest part of your business dealing with Magic the Gathering
  4. Do you meet a variety of new people
  5. If you can change one thing about the way you ruin Magic the Gathering tournaments what would it be and why?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5-minute presentation (rough draft)

What will you be teaching?

  • I will be teaching the fundementals on Magic the Gathering Card Game and the history of where it started. 

  • The students will learn how Magic the Gathering started by a quick over view on the white board about the math involved. And how to play just for beginners 

  1. introduce my senior project as being Magic the Gathering (30 sec)
  2. Introduce my essential question (30 sec)
  3. talking about the history and the maker of Magic the Gathering (1 minutes)
  4. Talking about how the game actually works (2 minute)
  5. closing by makine sure everyone understands (5 minutes)
Check for understanding 

  • The students will be put in pairs each having there own play set of cards. 
  • They will the be ask to follow me step by step in explaining the card and what it does
  • I then will ask out loud to hold up a card and they will show me what card it is. 
Resource and Materials 

  • Pictures of who the maker of Magic the Gathering is 
  • Play sets of Magic the Gathering cards so each can actually see and play first had 
  • Make known the people that helped me with my project